Investigator Initiated Studies (ISS) & Grants Overview: updated on 5/19/21
The BD UCC TTM has an internal process for consideration of outside proposals. This section was created to communicate the types of ISS and Grant programs BD may consider. All requests must be unsolicited. Charitable grants are addressed outside of Medical Affairs.
Investigator Initiated Studies
ISS Overview for Targeted Temperature Management (TTM)
BD may consider proposals associated with:
- Accumulating scientific evidence related to targeted temperature management in adults, neonates or pediatrics.
- The impact of targeted fever control in COVID
- Quality improvement projects related to bedside implementation of advanced TTM in critical care within a health care system
- New applications for TTM
- Utilization of large data bases assessing guideline adherence and outcomes
- The impact of TTM on healthcare economics
Overview for unrestricted educational Targeted Temperature Management (TTM) Grants
BD may consider topics associated with:
- Documented scientific evidence supporting targeted temperature management in adults or neonates or pediatrics.
- Review of recent TTM data such as TTM2
- Bedside implementation of advanced TTM in critical care or emergency care
- Utilization of a large database or registry to assess the impact of targeted temperature management
- The impact of targeted temperature management or normothermia/fever control in COVID
Educational Grant Logistics for Targeted Temperature Management (TTM)
BD would like to understand the logistics of your request, please provide the following in the letter of request:
- List the educational objectives for the program
- Outline the program being proposed
- Time of program(s): morning, evening, mid-day
- Location of program(s) on conference site, off site e.g. hotel
- If web based, how will HCPs learn of the program? How many are expected to participate
- If the presentations will be live on site what is the expected participation for this event?
- Estimate impact of the educational program: how many will attend? Which specialty/specialties will be targeted?
- What metrics will be provided in the impact report after the event?