Want to amplify your laboratory performance?

98% of in-patients will undergo a diagnostic laboratory test during a hospital stay.1 With the increased focus on the accuracy of diagnostic laboratory test results to inform decisions to manage outbreaks, antimicrobial resistance, and hospital acquired infections, optimizing and automating your microbiology lab has never been more important.

Laboratory Productivity Index (LPI) is used to measure the capacity of laboratory staff to process microbiological specimens. LPI is the ratio of specimens processed per day divided by the combined fulltime equivalent (FTE) of in-scope staff.

By automating your laboratory, you can maximize LPI while increasing the capacity of your lab to take on additional sample volumes.

BD Lab

First, calculate your lab’s current LPI performance

Count two part-time employees as one full-time employee.

samples processed

Your current LPI:

samples per day per FTE

Next, find your LPI improvement with BD Kiestra™ lab automation solutions

The combination of BD Kiestra™ technology and Lean process improvement consulting can significantly improve lab productivity.

Check below to see what an improvement in LPI could mean for your lab:

Based upon 365 days/year.

Potential Testing Volume:

samples annually per FTE

Increase in Testing Volume:

samples annually per FTE

Get your detailed analysis

Our experts will work with you one-on-one to determine the impact of BD Kiestra solutions on your lab's productivity.
Fill out the form below and one of our lab automation experts will be in touch soon.